Dr. Ofosu is an experienced public speaker and trainer. Although she started out as a university lecturer and developer of (corporate) training materials, she’s comfortable as a panelist, podcast guest, trainer, or keynote speaker.
Here’s a sample of some of the topics she’s spoken about and the training that she’s developed:
- Becoming a More Inclusive Leader, Mentor, Corporate Sponsor, and Ally (various sessions delivered to Directors General and Assistant Deputy Ministers within the Canadian federal government)
- She created and delivered an 8-part professional development training series for two cohorts of participants in the Get Into IT Program offered by Digital Nova Scotia
- She designed and delivered a 3-part professional development series for two cohorts of participants in Nature Canada’s Work to Grow program which connects underrepresented youth to jobs that promote and protect nature
- Workplace Scapegoats and the Glass Cliff workshop presented to a group of executives and other leaders (webinar, Oct. 24, 2020)
- Reflections on Networking and Black Excellence (talk delivered to a group of Black Physicians and Dentists)
- Career Management Essentials for Professionals and Aspiring Professionals
- Networking Skills for Finding Hidden Employment Opportunities
- Navigating Race in Predominantly White Organizations
- Digging Deeper on Systemic Racism and Discrimination
- Systemic Discrimination & Barriers to Inclusion

- Returning to Work Post-COVID-19 (webinar, May 5, 2020)
- How to Work From Home Effectively and How COVID-19 Has Impacted Business (webinar, April 29, 2020)
- The History of Racism in Canada, it’s Not Just an American Problem
- We’ve Heard a lot About Systemic Racism, But What Does it Really Mean? (townhall presentation for SHOEBOX Ltd, September 2020).
- Using Psychology and HR to Prevent Cyber Crimes and Insider Threats (also discussed on a Podcast)
- Effective Professional and Workplace Boundaries
- Networking and Gender
- Using I/O Psychology for Better Hiring (also discussed in this blog article)
- A series of eight professional development workshops for participants in the Get into IT Program offered by Digital Nova Scotia
- Reverse Engineering: Getting to Your Target Job from Where You are Now
- What’s Best for Me? Employment or Entrepreneurship?
- Making the Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur
- A 3-part series of professional development workshops delivered to two cohorts of participants working for Nature Canada
- Career Support for People Facing Personal Challenges that Affect the Workplace
- Encore Entrepreneurship / Second Careers
- Other topics related to Careers and HR Matters
If you’re interested in online, small-group coaching and training, please check out these group coaching options. Custom-designed sessions are also possible.
Please call 613-424-8689 or send a message to discuss engaging Dr. Helen Ofosu as a public speaker or trainer.